Adapta Business Products

30 Dunorlan Road, Edwardstown, South Australia, 5039, Australia     0419 810 360

Letter Board Letters

Weight 2.00 kg
Product Code SKU166891
Our Price: $54.45
inc. gst

These peg letter board letters are available in a range of sizes (13mm, 19mm, 32mm and 51mm).

Here is a list of the quantities of each item that you receive when buying a pack (sprue) of the various sized letters.

We hope this helps you work out how many packs you may need. If you have any questions or would like to discuss please call us on (08) 8397 2500.

Pegboard Letters

Click here for Complete Pegboard (Unframed) Packs including Clips and Panels.

Click here for Individual Pegboard Clips.

Click here for Pegboard Numbers.

Click here for Individual Pegboard Panels.

Information correct as of 02:24, 15-03-2025